Are you struggling with Git?

“Should I use Git merge or Git Rebase?”

“I’ve already done a Git pull, why it’s asking again?”

“How do I get the content of a file from a specific commit?”

“I’ve done a mistake while resolving my conflicts, how do I start again?”

“With Git rebase, I’m gettin again and again the same conflicts, why?”

I’ve been in those situations.

I’ve learned a lot. And I share you my solutions.

What you’ll learn with the book?

It gives 20 commands needed to solve any situation with Git.

It has graphs and schemas to better understand the behavior of the main commands.

It contains a configuration file to optimize the usage of Git.

Why you should trust this book?

I’ve written it based on questions people ask me. I’ve written it based on experiences I’ve lived.

I’ve been working with Git for at least 10 years. I’ve been teaching Git for at least 5 years.

I don’t know every command, but I know how to solve situations.

It’s an investment, to lever loose time again with Git and dedicate it to more important tasks.

A Website.